Scroll to top not working inside iframe ios năm 2024

For the longest time, developers were frustrated by elements with overflow not being scrollable within the page of iOS Safari. For my blog it was particularly frustrating because I display my demos in sandboxed IFRAMEs on top of the article itself, so as to not affect my site's AJAX pageload strategy. Some research revealed that there are only two CSS properties to set and one element to set them on. Here we go!


In the case of an IFRAME and all other HTML elements, you'll want a wrapping element like a DIV:

<div class="scroll-wrapper"> <iframe src=""></iframe> </div> This DIV will serve as the base container for what's scrollable inside.


One familiar property and one lesser-known property will be used to allow scrolling for the IFRAME:

.scroll-wrapper { -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;

overflow-y: scroll;
/ important: dimensions or positioning here! / } .scroll-wrapper iframe { / nada! / } The -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; property and value were created especially for the case of overflow scrolling within the browser. Without this the page will scroll when you scroll the IFRAME area; with it you get control of the IFRAME! For my site's case, I use the following:

.demo-iframe-holder { position: fixed; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; top: 0; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; overflow-y: scroll; } .demo-iframe-holder iframe { height: 100%; width: 100%; } Keep this tip handy and remember the special CSS goes on the wrapper and not the scrollable element itself!

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P.S. As a workaround if anybody's interested, we created a simple preview panel addon, which shows a 'Preview in a new window' button. It always opens the tab in the same new window so you can easily go back and forth between the tabs on your mobile ;)

Looks like that:

Scroll to top not working inside iframe ios năm 2024

Code (storybook ~4.0.0):

import React from 'react'; import addons from '@storybook/addons'; class PreviewPanel extends React.PureComponent { state = {
url: undefined,
}; componentDidMount() {
const { api } = this.props;
} componentWillUnmount() {} handleStory = () => {
const { api } = this.props;
  url: `${window.location.origin +
    window.location.pathname.replace('index.html', '')}iframe.html${
}; render() {
const { active } = this.props;
const { url } = this.state;
if (!active) {
  return null;
if (!url) {
  return 'Waiting for a story to be initialized...';
return (
      width: '100%',
      padding: '15px',
        '-apple-system, ".SFNSText-Regular", "San Francisco", BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Fira Sans", "Droid Sans", "Helvetica Neue", "Lucida Grande", Arial, sans-serif',
      WebkitFontSmoothing: 'antialiased',
<a href={url} target="storybook-preview" style={{ color: '
# 333',
        display: 'block',
        textAlign: 'center',
        borderRadius: '3px',
        backgroundColor: 'rgb(247, 247, 247)',
        textDecoration: 'none',
        fontSize: '16px',
        lineHeight: '3',
      Preview in new window
} } addons.register('preview', api => { const channel = addons.getChannel(); addons.addPanel('preview/panel', {
title: 'Preview',
render: ({ active }) => (
  <PreviewPanel active={active} channel={channel} api={api} />
}); });

Why my scroll top is not working?

If your CSS html element has the following overflow markup, scrollTop will not function. To allow scrollTop to scroll, modify your markup remove overflow markup from the html element and append to a body element.

How do I allow iframe to scroll?

On an iFrame of type Expand to Fit content, when we set the attribute "scrolling=yes", it enables both horizontal and vertical scroll bars.