Lỗi lịch macbook the server responded with an error năm 2024

Questions, comments, and problems with Zimbra on Apple desktops & general CalDAV / CardDAV questions.


    ewilen Elite member

    Lỗi lịch macbook the server responded with an error năm 2024
    Posts: 1429 Joined: Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:34 pm

    Has anyone been seeing errors of this sort in iCal? Basically, iCal goes into offline mode with/without notice. When you try to go back online, you get an alert; the only solution is to quit/restart iCal. One user copied down her error message:[QUOTE]Request for calendar failed. The server responded with

    "HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error"

    to operation CalDAVRevertEntityQueueableOperation.

    [/QUOTE] I've also seen alerts offering to revert to server data, but I haven't noted the exact wording. In any case, clicking "okay" to revert to server doesn't do anything--you still have to quit & relaunch iCal. The user in question is still using Mac OS 10.5.6 due to Bug 38112 – Creating appointments in iCal does not send the invite but once 5.0.17 is released, I'll upgrade her to 10.5.7. However I'm pretty sure I've seen the error under 10.5.7 as well.

    ewilen Elite member

    Lỗi lịch macbook the server responded with an error năm 2024
    Posts: 1429 Joined: Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:34 pm

    by ewilen » Sat Jul 25, 2009 7:31 am

    The topic of this thread was happening under 10.5.6 as noted. That other thread is unrelated except that it describes why I didn't want to upgrade my Macs to 10.5.7. Now that ZCS 5.0.18 has fixed bug 38112 I've upgraded all my Macs to 10.5.7. Since the ZCS to 5.0.18 upgrade I haven't seen this CalDAV error, so it's possible the server upgrade solved the problem, but it's a bit early to say. If I was trying to reproduce the error I'd try messing with the calendar (or a single appointment) via the web interface and iCal simultaneously.

    ewilen Elite member

    Lỗi lịch macbook the server responded with an error năm 2024
    Posts: 1429 Joined: Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:34 pm

    by ewilen » Tue Sep 29, 2009 6:14 pm

    Well, now the same user has been getting errors again, to the point that iCal is useless. She is on Mac OS X 10.5.8. I tried turning off/on her iCal setup in the Zimbra control panel; I also tried deleting ~/Library/Calendars. Eventually she started getting different errors, but the upshot is still that iCal doesn't work. The latest error, which appears consistently on launching iCal, is: The server responded with

    "HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error"

    to operation CalDAVDeleteEntityQueueableOperation. I've also pared her Zimbra Calendar setup to the bare minimum: only one calendar, and no shared calendars. Her calendar is still shared with others; not sure if that might matter. Where can I look in the server logs to see how this looks from Zimbra's perspective?

    ewilen Elite member

    Lỗi lịch macbook the server responded with an error năm 2024
    Posts: 1429 Joined: Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:34 pm

    by ewilen » Wed Sep 30, 2009 6:26 pm

    Tentatively marking this SOLVED. The problem did not reappear when I configured iCal to access the user's Zimbra account from a different login on the same machine. So I decided it must be some corrupt data on the computer, not on Zimbra. Solution: turn off iCal setup in Zimbra control panel, delete CalDAV account in iCal. Then move the following folders to the Trash (or some temporary location): ~/Library/Calendars

    ~/Library/Application Support/iCal

    ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.iCal To be on the safe side I'd also move: ~/Library/Preferences/iCalExternalSync.plist





    ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.iCal.AlarmScheduler.plist Then re-enable CalDAV setup in Zimbra control panel and confirm that account is set up by launching iCal and checking prefs.

    Issue still persists, I am using gmail calendar on web browser now to add the invites to avoid this issue. It is a crappy way, but at least it syncs across all the machine. More so since I got a upgraded MBA at work and now that also won't allow adding lol

    • 4

    Same problem. It's very annoying. I keep missing meetings because invites keep disappearing on one of my devices, and I get the same triangle and message.