Off work nghĩa là gì

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Take (some) time off from work -> nghĩa là nghỉ làm việc để dành thời gian làm việc khác.

Ví dụ

Everyone agrees that workers need to be able to take time off from work when they are ill or need to care for loved ones, Lukas said. The question is, how best can we provide that support without destroying true job flexibility (tính linh hoạt) and without taking away employment opportunities from women and low income workers.

Regardless of whether an individual infected with COVID-19 is considered to have a disability, job protections may exist to the extent the infected employee took time off from work. For example, the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act under the federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act provides eligible (đủ tư cách, thích hợp) employees with up to 80 hours paid sick leave for COVID-19 related reasons. Many states and localities have also passed leave laws for those impacted by COVID-19.

Before the pandemic, women did more unpaid work at home, were more likely to take time off from work to care for sick children, and to forego (đi trước) paid work to provide caregiving. Although many companies have implemented parental leave and flexible work arrangements to help, these accommodations generally are perceived to be for women alone. These perceptions fuel the motherhood penalty, reinforcing assumptions that women arent as committed to paid work and are distracted by caregiving biases that limit womens careers. These perceptions also stigmatize (bêu xấu) these programs for men, so fewer men fully use them.

Ka Tina

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