No doubt là gì

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "no doubt", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ no doubt, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ no doubt trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1.] no doubt satirically.

2. No doubt , acid rain !

3. "Featured Artist: No Doubt".

4. No doubt a conscientious worker; no doubt a good husband and father; but totally unremarkable.

5. Dodging chain saws, no doubt.

6. No doubt they do overcharge.

7. There's no doubt about that.

8. No doubt you were thrilled.

9. No doubt you are wrong.

10. Yes, very droll, no doubt.

11. There's no doubt about it!

12. THERE is no doubt about it.

13. Both dead, no doubt about that.

14. No doubt poisoned by his sister.

15. And a drunk too, no doubt?

16. There's no doubt we will win.

17. No doubt I had blundered again.

18. There seems no doubt about it.

19. And I have no doubt, absolutely no doubt... that you will continue to rise to this challenge

20. And I have no doubt, absolutely no doubt... that you will continue to rise to this challenge.

21. Noshing on Mary's muffins, no doubt.

22. No doubt many of those differences remain .

23. There is no doubt in my mind.

24. No doubt his appearance had changed considerably.

25. I have no doubt about their genuineness.

26. Officialdom will no doubt decide our future.

27. No doubt that is true of you.

28. There's no doubt coffee perks you up.

29. No doubt you'll have your own ideas.

30. No doubt it's also a tax dodge.

31. 4) Discussing affairs of state - no doubt.

32. No doubt he lived in a garret.

33. A reward for unswerving loyalty, no doubt.

34. No doubt you would like a drink.

35. No doubt the team spirit was enhanced.

36. There's no doubt: the universe is infinite.

37. We have no doubt of his ability.

38. There is no doubt about his innocence.

39. [ Saul ] As Abel, no doubt, once loved Cain.

40. No doubt you've heard of Hawk's latest outrage.

41. No doubt you want to refresh yourself physically.

42. 11 There is no doubt about his innocence.

43. 25 No doubt you would like a drink.

44. There is no doubt that he is guilty.

45. Mugwort : Ooo , shiny rock! No doubt this nebulite.

46. There seemed to be no doubt about it.

47. You know the Old Bailey well, no doubt?

48. 13 No doubt the team spirit was enhanced.

49. Sweeney Todd: The years, no doubt changed me.

50. Niels Bohr, no doubt, would have been delighted.

No doubt là gì

so there is no doubt

there is absolutely no doubt

there is no longer any doubt

there is no doubt you will

there is no doubt that facebook

there is no doubt about the fact

No doubt có nghĩa 'có thể' hoặc 'tôi cho rằng' chứ không phải 'chắc chắn'. Ví dụ:

No doubt it'll rain soon.

(Có thể trời sẽ mưa sớm.)

You're tired, no doubt. I'll make you a cup of tea.

(Có thể cậu mệt. Tớ sẽ pha cho cậu một tách trà.)

Để nói điều gì là chắc chắn, chúng ta có thể dùng there is no doubt that (trang trọng), without any doubt (trang trọng), certainly, definitely. Ví dụ:

There is no doubt that the world is getting warmer. (Chắc chắn trái đất đang nóng lên.)

KHÔNG DÙNG: No doubt the world is getting warmer.
Cycling is certainly healthier than driving. (Đi xe đạp chắc chắn lành mạnh hơn lái xe.)
KHÔNG DÙNG: No doubt cycling is heathier than driving.

Doubtless tương đương như no doubt (nhưng trang trọng hơn), undoubtedly tương đương như there is no doubt that...