Mẫu Giáo an Tiếng Anh THPT theo công văn 5512

Mẫu giáo án môn Tiếng anh lớp 6 theo công văn 5512 là mẫu giáo án theo Công văn số 5512/BGDĐT-GDTrH: Xây dựng và tổ chức thực hiện kế hoạch giáo dục của nhà trường. Mời các thầy cô tham khảo.

Mẫu kế hoạch bài dạy môn Tiếng anh lớp 6 mới nhất




1. Knowledge.

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

+ identify parts of the body.

+ physical descriptions of people

+ know how to ask and answer about the parts of the body used the present simple tense, adjectives (focus on the adjectives of colors), nouns for the parts of the body and some related words in the topic.

2. Ability:

- Students can practice listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in communicative situations to talk about the parts of the body.

- Students form and develop competencies: the ability to autonomy and self-study, the ability to communicate and cooperate, to solve problems and to create.

- Students have a general understanding of the human body; has a positive attitude toward subject and learning English.

3. Quality:

- Students have serious learning attitude; love learning English, energetically and actively participate in learning activities.

- Students' qualities are helped to develop such as: kindness, love for people, love, respect and protect yourself, have a sense of self-training, take responsibility for yourself and your family.


- Teacher prepares the lesson plan, textbooks, teaching aids such as personal computers, projectors, speakers…

- Students prepare textbooks, notebooks, studying tools,… ready for the lesson.


1. Activities 1: Warm up: (6’)

a) Objective:

- Help students review using:

+ What is this/ that?

+ What are these/those?

to identify, understand the situation of the new lesson.

b) Content:

- Review and use language materials simply.

- Work in individual.

c) Products: Students know how to ask and answer.

d) Organization of implementation:

Teacher's activities

Students' activities

- T points to the things in the classroom and asks:

+ What is this/ that?

+ What are these/those?

- Teacher leads in the lesson.

- Students look at the things and answer:

+ This/ That/ It is …

+ These/ Those/ They are …

- Students listen and enjoy the lesson.

2. Activities 2: (10’)

a) Objective:Help students identify, understand the situation and language materials.

b) Content: Learn and use language materials simply.Work in individual.

c) Products: Students know how to to read the new words individual, play the game “rub out and remember”

d) Organization of implementation:

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

- T points to each part of the body to introduce the name of each part:

- Ss: Listen and write the parts of the body in their books.

- T reads the new words

- T calls some students to read the new words individual.

* Rub out and remember.

+ body (n) + hands (n)

+ head (n) + legs (n)

+ chest (n) + feet (a foot)

+ shoulders (n) + fingers (n)

+ arms (n) + toes (n)

- Ss: listen and repeat

- Ss: read the words individual

- Ss: do as directed

3. Activities 3: (10’)

a) Objective: Help students use the knowledge they have learn to practice in the situation of the lesson using body language.

b) Content: Listen, think, read and apply knowledge to practice in the situations.Work individually, work in groups, experience in the situations.

c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned to play the game: “Simon Says”.

d) Organization of implementation:

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

- T asks students to play “Simon Says” game.

+ Simon says touch your head.

+ Simon says touch your chest.

+ Simon says touch your feet.

+ Simon says touch your shoulders.

+ Touch your legs.

+ Simon says touch your head.

+ Simon says touch your left hand.

- Ss: Do as directed: play game “Simon Says”

+ touch the head.

+ touch the chest.

+ touch the feet.

+ touch the shoulders.

+ …

4. Activities 4: (16’)

a) Objective:Help students use the knowledge they have learned to practice with the requirements of the lesson or the teacher's requirements.

b) Content: Read, ask and answer the questions, apply knowledge to make sentences/ dialogues as the requirements of the lesson or the teacher's requirements. Guide and ask students to ask and answer in pairs, groups, experience in the situations then present in the class.

c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned to ask and answer about the names of the parts of the body as the modals.

d) Organization of implementation:

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

* Picture Drill (A1 P. 96)

- T? read the names of the parts of the body.

- T? Ask and answer about the names of the parts of the body as the modals:

What is that?

What are those?

- T? practice before class.

- T : consolidate the content of the lesson: repeat the names of the parts of the body.

- Ss: Read

- Ss: Practice asking and answering

Example exchanges

S1: What is that?

S2: That’s his [head].

S1: What are those?

S2: Those are his [shoulders].

- Ss recalls the names of the parts of the body.

- Ss: Listen and remember.

* Guide students to learn by themselves. (3')

- Teacher guides and asks students how to learn the lesson at home, do exercises and get ready for the next lesson.

- Students:learn the lesson, do exercises 1, 2/ P.83 in workbook and prepare A3-4-5.

Period 56


Lesson 2: A closer look 1

I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students can talk about favorite TV programmes.

1. Knowledge:

  1. Vocabulary: viewer, weatherman, newsreader, schedule, remote control, announce, button
  2. Grammar: Structure for description, Wh – questions
  3. Pronunciation: Pronounce correctly the sounds /ө / and / ð/ in isolation and in context

2. Competences: groupwork and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence

3. Qualities: Ss will be more aware of spending time watching TV, and choose the best programme for yourself.


1. Materials: Textbooks, plan

2. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker


1. Checking: Write the vocabulary words

- Talk things you like about television and things you don’t like about it

2. New lesson:

Teacher’s and students’ activities


1. Warm up

Aim: To attract Ss’ attention to the lesson and review some programs on TV

T asks students to talk about some programs which they like watch

Ss talk about some programs which they like watch


1 . national television

2. news programme.

3. local television

4. comedy

5. game show.

6. animal programme.

2. Presentation

Aim: Ss can know to use some new words to describe about the topic “television”

T asks students to look at the pictures and match.

Ss look at the pictures and match individually.

T lets them listen and check your answer and repeat the words

Ss listen, check your answer and repeat the words

T writes the vocabularies on the board.

Ss copy, read and remember.

I. Vocabulary

1. Listen and write

* New words

- viewer: người xem

- weatherman(n): người thông báo tin thời tiết.

- newsreader: người đọc bản tin trên đài, truyền hình

- schedule: chương trình, lịch trình

- remote control: điều khiển từ xa

- announce: thông báo

- button

3. Practice

Aim: Ss can describe about the topic “television”Pronounce correctly the sounds /ө / and / ð/ in isolation and in context.

T asks student to choose a word from the box for each description.

Ss do exercise individually.

T calls some students go to the board and write the answers and correct.

Ss write the answer on the board.

T corrects

T explains how to pronounce sound ө / and / ð/

T plays the recording;

Ss listen and repeat the words they hear.

T asks students to listen to the words and put them into two groups.

Ss listen to the words and put them into two groups

T corrects and remarks

T plays the recording;

Ss listen and repeat the words they hear.

2. Choose a word from the box for each description.

1. weatherman

2. newsreader

3. remote control

4. Mc

5. volume button

6. TV viewer

II. Prununciation

4. Listen and repeat the words.

5. Which words have sound /ð/ and which words have sound /θ/


/ ð/













6. Listen and practice

4. Futher practice

Aim: Ss can use more adjectives to describe a person or a thing.

+ Groupwork

- Divide the class into 6 groups.

- Time: 3minutes

- Each group chooses two words from the list below and work out a description.

- The group take turns reading the descriptions aloud.

- The other groups try to guess what word it is.

- The group with the most correct answers wins.

Game: What is it?

* Suggested structure for description.

- A person who _____

- A programme which _______

- It _______

Eg: S1: A person who reads the news on TV.

S2: a newsreader

3. Guides for homework

- Learn the new words by heart and read again the sounds /ө / and / ð/

- Prepare the lesson: Unit 7: A closer look 2

Lưu ý: Do nội dung giáo án rất dài, nên mời các bạn bấm vào nút Tải về để xem đầy đủ Mẫu giáo án môn Tiếng anh lớp 6 theo công văn 5512 nhé.

Mời các bạn tham khảo các giáo án khác trong phần Dành cho giáo viên của mục Tài liệu.

Bạn có thể tải về tập tin thích hợp cho bạn tại các liên kết dưới đây.