How to enable Multi session Remote Desktop Windows 10

Hướng dẫn cho phép Multi Remote Session trên Windows 10

Thủ thuật Windows

Bởi Lương Tiến Tân Cập nhật Th2 9, 2022

How to enable Multi session Remote Desktop Windows 10

46 13.658

Chia sẻ

Multi Remote Session Windows 10 là tính năng cho phép mở nhiều phiên kết nối Multi Remote Session trên Windows 10 hơn, cho phép các user remote cùng làm việc đồng thời trên máy tính mà không bị hạn chế bởi người dùng khác khi Remote Desktop.

Mặc định, trên Windows 10 chỉ cho phép kết nối một phiên làm việc đến máy tính, khi một User khác Remote Desktop đến máy tính thì User đang dùng sẽ phải thoát ra màn hình đăng nhập.

Đừng lo, mình sẽ hướng dẫn các bạn cáchcho phép Multi Remote Session trên Windows 10, thủ thuật này giúp nhiều người dùng,nhiều session Remote Desktop cùng lúc kết nối đến máy tính Windows 10 ngay sau đây:

Mục lục

  • Cho phép nhiều User cùng Remote Desktop
  • Cấu hình Multi Remote Session Windows 10, 8, 7
    • Download công cụ Windows 10 RDPWrap-v1.6.1
    • Cấu hình cho phép Remote Desktop multiple users windows 10
  • Update lỗi Multi Remote Windows 10 Version 10.0.18362.267 not supported
  • Cách sửa lỗi Not support Mở nhiều phiên Remote trên Windows 10 ver 1903
    • Bước 1: Stop dịch vụ Remote Desktop trên Windows 10
    • Bước 2: Tải về file fix lỗi cho RDP Wrapper để Support Multi Remote Desktop
    • Bước 3: Start dịch vụ Remote Desktop trên Windows 10
  • Allow Multiple Remote Desktop Sessions Windows 10 Version 1903
  • Kết luận

Cách 1. Sử dụng Local Group Policy

Bước 1: Bạn bấm tổ hợp Windows + R để mở hộp thoại Run. Tiếp theo, bạn nhập từ khóa gpedit.msc (1)OK (2).

How to enable Multi session Remote Desktop Windows 10

Bước 2: Bạn truy cập theo đường dẫn sau: Computer Configuration => Administrative Templates => Windows Components => Remote Desktop Services => Remote Desktop Session Host => Connections

Tiếp theo, bạn click đúp chuột trái vào mục Restrict Remote Desktop Services user to a single Remote Desktop Services.

How to enable Multi session Remote Desktop Windows 10

Sau đó bạn tích chọn dòng Disable (1) => Apply (2) => OK (3).

How to enable Multi session Remote Desktop Windows 10

Bước 3: Sau đó, bạn quay trở lại mục trước đó và click đúp chuột trái vào mục Limit number of connections.

How to enable Multi session Remote Desktop Windows 10

Tiếp theo, bạn chọn dòng Enabled (1) => thiết lập RD Maximum Connections allowed99999 (2) => Apply (3) => OK (4).

How to enable Multi session Remote Desktop Windows 10

Sau khi thiết lập xong, bạn hãy khởi động lại máy tính để hoàn tất thay đổi.

HowTo: Enable multiple sessions for Remote Desktop Services

  1. Last updated
  2. Save as PDF
  1. Summary
  2. Goal
    1. Enable Multiple RDP Sessions
    2. Disable Multiple RDP Sessions
  3. More Information

The issue with multiple Remote Desktop Sessions on Windows 10 and 8

Attempting to initiate a second Remote Desktop session will cause any users working locally on the machine or logged in through an existing RDP session to be kicked out. The issue is not a result of the technical capabilities of Windows 10 but rather with the license agreement.

Now that we’ve determined the obstacles we’re facing, let’s consider two popular options you can use to enable multiple Remote Desktop users on Windows 10 and 8: either by using the RDP Wrapper Library application or by editing the termsrv.dll file.

How to allow multiple rdp session

Dear Experts,

We have server running windows server 2012 R2 Standard that host our CRM applications.

Due to we have a training to be conducted, we would like to allow 4 person (different user id) to rdp into the server. Currently, the server is only allowing 2 concurrent sessions.

Since it is not a remote desktop server, is there any possible way to achieve this?




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learn2skills · Jan 09, 2021 at 05:02 AM

Let us know if anything required.

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learn2skills · Jan 14, 2021 at 12:42 AM

To follow-up, Please let us know if you have further query on this.
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ElevenYu-MSFT answered Jan 7, '21 | ElevenYu-MSFT commented Jan 21, '21


Please be informed that there is no other way to achieve your requirement except installing remote desktop session host role on the server and purchasing RDS CAL (per user) for the remote connection.

Currently, you will need at least below configurations:

  1. Install Remote Desktop Services (remote desktop session host role & remote desktop licensing role) on the server. (PS: role based installation process will be OK)

  2. Activate the licensing server:

  3. Purchase per-user RDS 2012 CALs and install them on the licensing server.

  4. Set below 2 local group policies on the server.
    Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Componets\Remote Desktop Services\Remote Desktop Session Host\Licensing
    - Use the specified Remote Desktop license servers: input the FQDN or the ip address of the server
    - set the Remote Desktop licensing mode: per user


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hendriyu-7141 · Jan 14, 2021 at 03:08 AM

Dear Eleven Yu,

Good Day

Thanks for the advise. May i know after we get the CAL licenses, how do i apply to the RDS server?

Best Regards,

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ElevenYu-MSFT hendriyu-7141 · Jan 14, 2021 at 05:29 AM


After you get the RDS CAL, you can follow the step 1 to 4 I have provided in my answer.

  1. Install Remote Desktop Services (remote desktop session host role & remote desktop licensing role) on the server. (PS: role based installation process will be OK)

  2. Activate the licensing server:

  3. Purchase per-user RDS 2012 CALs and install them on the licensing server.

  4. Set below 2 local group policies on the server.
    Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Componets\Remote Desktop Services\Remote Desktop Session Host\Licensing

  • Use the specified Remote Desktop license servers: input the FQDN or the ip address of the server

  • set the Remote Desktop licensing mode: per user

if there is anyhing unclear, feel free to let me know. I can share the screenshots.

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ElevenYu-MSFT ElevenYu-MSFT · Jan 21, 2021 at 02:46 AM

Hi @hendriyu-7141

Please let us know if you have any further question.

If the Answer is helpful, please click "Accept Answer" and upvote it. Thanks.

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learn2skills answered Jan 7, '21

Hi @hendriyu-7141

You will need to procure RDS Client Access Licenses from a Microsoft Partner or Microsoft Reseller. These are special licenses as they need to have software assurance attached to them since they are CALs for a VM running on Azure. This is a Microsoft requirement that you cannot get around. You can buy these in one year, two year, or three year options.

refer below url's
Setup simultaneous Remote login for multiple users
Deploy your Remote Desktop environment
License your RDS deployment with client access licenses (CALs)

Please don’t forget to "Accept the answer" and “up-vote” wherever the information provided helps you, this can be beneficial to other community members.


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Hướng dẫn Enable / Disable Multiple RDP Sessions trên Windows 2012

Ngày đăng05/09/2019 2,998

Enable Multiple RDP Sessions

  1. Đăng nhập vào Remote Desktop.
  2. Ần Windows + R và ghi gpedit.msc sau đó mở lên
  3. Đi đến Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Connections.
  4. Set Restrict Remote Desktop Services user to a single Remote Desktop Services session thành Disabled.
  5. Double click Limit number of connections và set the RD Maximum Connections allowed thành 999999.
    How to enable Multi session Remote Desktop Windows 10

Disable Multiple RDP Sessions

  1. Đăng nhập vào Remote Desktop.
  2. Ần Windows + R và ghi gpedit.msc sau đó mở lên
  3. Đi đến Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Connections.
  4. Set Restrict Remote Desktop Services user to a single Remote Desktop Services session thành Enabled.