wannabees là gì - Nghĩa của từ wannabees

wannabees có nghĩa là

A person who would like to be different from how they are at present.
Typically, such persons would like to become famous, or admired by the world at large.
Often, they are aspiring pop vocalists or instrumentalists, or performing artistes of some kind.


At today's auditions, the waiting area was crowded with wannabees.

wannabees có nghĩa là

Gangster wannabees in most areas usually point more towards latino/hispanics. Because of the still growing population of hispanics that are dominating poorer areas, some areas over populated with these trend-following people.

Guys- MUST have sagging jeans. Dickies is a popular brand. Shirts are usually sport related, have some type of character on it with fake diamonds stitched on (like a be-jewled "gangster" spongbob) are of brands that they don't even know about (like the ever so popular "famous stars and straps" logo that in reality is a SKATEBOARD brand logo) and most often shirts are polos, or plain-t's that are hiddious neon colors, most popular are yellow, green and blue. Shoes are usually expensive sport brand shoes that are named after basketball players, are "limited addition" or things like Reebok, Adidas, K-Swiss and Nike. Hair must have lots of gel that makes it look all sticky and shiny and stiff. It's usually spiked.

girls- Gangster Wannabee girls ALWAYS wear tight name brand jeans that are supposed to show off their asses. Shirts are always revealing. Younger generations of gangster wannabee girls stuff their bras. Must have overly large hoop earings. Fake nails are very popular, as well as gold rings on every finger. Both male and female ware exesive amounts of gold and rarely wear things like silver. Shoes are the same brands as the males and they often spend time comparing shoes and obsessing over keeping them clean. I don't see the point. if you want them clean all the time keep them in a glass box.

Music: Hip Hop, R&b, and Rap.

"reageton" a spanish/english mixed version of rap, hip-hop and r&b is also fairly popular, considering most gangster wannabees ARE latinos.

I don't liek their lifestyles. Girls obess over bein sexy and guys obsess over getting sex and money and it's just so dumb. Especially when middle school kids do it because their just flat out possers by joinging gangs at such you ages. (most gangster wannabes are associated with Crips or Bloods) I've lived this lifestyle before and it feels fake. And it is.

i am not racist against latinos for saying that they are the majority. It IS true, and I am hispanic as well.


typical gangster Wannabee conversation:

Guy: "Hey sexy chica, what up?"
girl: "Nothing, just chillin. Where'd you get you're kicks?"
Guy: "At the mall. they were like $100 dollars."
girl: "daaammmmn. That's hot."

ahaha. Actual conversation I heard.

wannabees có nghĩa là

People trying to hard to be cool (see tryhard)
Often pretending they know heaps about a certain subject when they don't.
In my opinion all the "Britney" fans and those boy bands, just coz they can't play Reeeeeeeel music.


"Omg, katey is just a wannabee, i mean look at what she's wearing, it bearly covers her g-string"

wannabees có nghĩa là

An 'indie wannabee' is someone who wants to be 'indie' In most cases, these people were chavs before, going around getting off with every single lad in school and the all of a sudden, just to fit in with everything else, they claim to be 'indie'
These wannabee's try way too hard. The whole indie look is supposed to be laid back and not put on at all, whereas these wannabee's try way hard with their matching pumps, cardigans and highwaisted shit. Honestly, they need to get back into their 'ecko tracksuits' and stop trying to be indie.
Many 'wannabee indie kids' from the Coventry area, also known as Chaventry, claim to like The Enemy, a local indie rock band. Just because they like The Enemy, this apparently makes the all indie cindys. No, it doesn't. They need to be told.
"You wannabee indie cindys, please fuck off back to your street corner smoking your roll ups and drinking your wkd. You are not indie and never will be, no matter how hard you try, alright!?"


Dee: "I'm a right indie cindy, I am."
Elle: "You're chav turned indie wannabee, actually. You try too hard!"
Dee: Nawww shat ap I iz well indie I iz!"

wannabees có nghĩa là

many people are called wanabees but the biggest wanabees are people that dont accept other people and slag them off. These people that call other bands fakers or sell outs are the wanabees if they were normal they would just accept other music styles. They try hard to show other people that only the music they like is good and any other band is crap. No band is trying to be anything they're just doing what they do and most of them don't care if they're punk or goth or whatever. They just play what they believe in.These people wanabee cooler than others and so it is the people that enjoy the music and accept and appreciate other music that arent the wanabees, however much you call them that


1: OMG will you turn off that crap music you wanabee goths
2: i dont wanabee a goth im just enjoyin good music

wannabees có nghĩa là

Someone who sees someone cool and then wants to be exactly like them
a person trying to be goth/scene/emo whatever...
There are a numer of these people at my school. They are all thirteen, they all have sidepartings and they all love HIM and bullet for my valentine. They all have stupid pictures of themselves looking shocked and pathetic and they all slit their wrists because someone who isnt a wannabee totally pwns them. A wannabee usually goes to see one band in there life, and that band wil always be my chemical romance.


wannabee: OMGF!!! my mum wont let me dye ma hair

wannabees có nghĩa là

A man who desires to be a woman. A transexual who would like to convert or become a woman/female. May crossdress, may not. It can be someone who desires sex change surgery or one who is soon to be getting it done.


Until my surgery I am a wannabee woman.

wannabees có nghĩa là

A negative phenomenon where foreigners who go to Asia try to look like ancient Japanese Samurai by growing their hair to long lengths, and tying it in a bun at the back (possibly with a lock or two of hair loose for shock affect). They do this because they are confused about their own identity and are actually shallow enough to think that you can become something in complete essence by merely duplicating what it looks like. It is also generally accompanied by growing aesthetically repulsive amounts of stubble with a smile/sneer and *I'm cool attitude*.


Man I can't believe that clown! He comes walking into here looking like a Samurai Wannabee and actually managed to pick up that chick! That guy is such a fake!

wannabees có nghĩa là

a wannabee bitch is a bitch that acts something she aint and claims she is better than people but she is not


Your a wannabee bitch

wannabees có nghĩa là

An ugly old whore with a lesbian haircut and pot belly that tries to steal your man that is head over heals in love with you. She even tells you lies that she ended their past relationship because she "was talking to someone else, but please keep that to yourself." Ha! Not just a slut, but a dumb one too!


"Look, theres Alyssa calling again late at night trying to get the d! lol!" "Sluts gonna be sluts! Can't she call up the dudes she was fucking behind your back when yall were together? lol!" "Why does Alyssa call you pet names?"
"Because babe, she is a wannabee homewrecker, too ugly for the role though." "Alyssa wants me to hide from you that she was fucking guys behind your back when yall were together."
"LMAO, she said she ended the 'relationship'? Yeah shes trying to fuck with you. That wannabee homewrecker!"