the joses là gì - Nghĩa của từ the joses

the joses có nghĩa là

----- Jose A person who can get you so mad but so in love in 5 seconds. Who you can argue with but when you look into his big eyes his long eyelashes bat away any negative thoughts and you still want to build a family with him due to his calm, collected, and understanding nature. He has the ability to make you cry then make you laugh because of his positive vibe you can't ever stay mad at a "Jose". He is reliable and he is just a great man in general. He is a great spirit and will make a great husband and father one day. If and when you find a Jose don't let him go. It will hit you that you made the biggest mistake of your life.


"Hey how did you get over your past?" "Oh, God gave me a Jose and I sure didn't take it

the joses có nghĩa là

Jose is a guy with short temper but is sweet to those who need it, he is the person who will lift your self esteem when you need it, he is the person who you can gurantee to make you laugh everyday, basically, he is the definition of friendship


Jose is my best friend

the joses có nghĩa là

Yes, it's one of the most hispanic common names. Besides that, its the definition of a guy who is beyond amazing, handsome, sweet, adorable, caring, funny, dorky and much more. He can be slow at times, but it doesn't matter. He's oh so unique, and isn't like many other guys.


G: "Hey, what's that guy's name?"
Kay: "That's a Jose!"
G: "That's such a common name, but aww look how he treats his girlfriend. Such a good Jose!"

the joses có nghĩa là

Jose is a guy that every girl dreams of. He cares about no one but you. One look at his eyes and you fall instantly in love so deep that it'll never go away. Jose is very protective and would not let any other guy talk to you. He can get jealous sometimes but only because he's afraid of losing you. He can be a nerd and a jock. He has the BEST personality in the world. He comes up with cute nicknames for you. He helps you with any problems that your struggling with in life. He will be willing to travel miles just to be next to you. His favorite thing to do is cuddle. He will tell you every minute of the day how much he loves you. He will tell you you're beautiful no matter what. If you don't have a jose, then I suggest you go find yourself one right now.


Jose is the love of my life!

the joses có nghĩa là

Jose is a big dick daddy for all the girls and usually have a lot of friends they can be annoying or rude sometimes ,but is so lovable he's kind,handsome, smart, caring , funny, and mature which means he has a large penis and says dirty jokes. A jose is talented and a real man in the bed that will have you come out in a wheelchair if you let him play ruff. A jose is someone everyone wants , but jose will pick a special one he is a once in a life time man don't let him leave you because you will regret it.


All girls:"OMG is that Jose"
One girl:"He's mine back off "
Jose:"There's enough of me for all of you"

the joses có nghĩa là

The BEST person alive. This person is extremely wise, follow them they lead to success.


Jose is awesome

the joses có nghĩa là

A multi-meaning word which originated as prison slang in Louisiana, particularly South Louisiana and is primarily used in those areas. Josing can be defined as the following: 1. Serving time in jail or prison. 2. Participating in an activity or distraction, particularly in jail, which makes the time seem to pass faster. 3. The act of joking at someone else's expense, especially in jail but also used in street context.


(Variation 1)
"My boy been josing for 3 years off a gun charge." (Variation 2)
"Man if we could smoke in the parish jail we'd be straight josing." (Variation 3)
"We was straight up josing off that boy all day - he got drove as fuck."

the joses có nghĩa là

A Depresed 10th Grader That When on urban dictionary and searched up his own name because he was bored.


Jose Is A Name

the joses có nghĩa là

A Chicano male that's strong minded and has close ties with his Mexican culture.


Jose one of the people I could not live without with. Has the most amazing personality ever, beautiful on the outside and inside. Extraordinary in every single way, no one word can sum him up as he is out of this universe. Not even near an angel. Can touch one’s heart so easily, has so much more to him than what meets the eye. His looks are amazing; once you look at his eyes you won’t be able to take your eye off him. One glance could never fulfil your needs. Every little thing he does is so cute even if it’s annoying you can’t be angry at him. I always want to hold his hands; his heart is so warm even though you can’t see it. I love everything about him; from head down to toe is beauty. If I didn’t meet him my life would not be complete, all I need to do is win your heart then I can die happy. Your smile is contagious and your laugh is music to my ears. One of the most important people in my life, think about you all the time. When I’m not talking to you I’m thinking of you, when I am talking to you I want to be with you. Made the biggest impact on my life so far, amazing guy. Could never ask for a better friend, I’ll love you forever even if you don’t feel the same way as me. If you meet someone called Jose -be warned you will want to hold on to him forever. When you lose him it's like you lost everything you ever gained, if you hurt him it hurts yourself much worse.
I think I just lost the best thing in my life, Who? Jose.

the joses có nghĩa là

A unnaturally tall hispanic who despises people who rant on about pure bullshit, finds themselves rather self-centered around anime, and hardly ever does their homework. There is a the in front of the name to represent the fact that 99.99% of the world will find this man just built differently. He will never take no for an answer, he beats his cock at night with a passion, and has read 40% of currently existing manga. Always use high emphasis when mentioning his name, period.


You see, THE JOSE doesn't give a shit about what you think, Adrian.