off the horse là gì - Nghĩa của từ off the horse

off the horse có nghĩa là

A capitalization error, the difference between "Help your Uncle Jack off a horse" and "help your uncle jack off a horse"

Ví dụ

Cowboy 1: Hey, partner! Go help your uncle jack off a horse!
Cowboy 2: How many times do I have to tell you, it's "help your Uncle Jack off a horse!
Cowboy 1: Oh, sorry for making that homosexual grammar error!

off the horse có nghĩa là

"Get off your high horse" is an idiom people retort with in an argument when the other person is acting like a holier-than-thou being when in reality, they aren't. To put it in a simpler manner, to tell people to stop acting as if they're the top authority when they aren't.

Ví dụ

Cowboy 1: Hey, partner! Go help your uncle jack off a horse!
Cowboy 2: How many times do I have to tell you, it's "help your Uncle Jack off a horse!
Cowboy 1: Oh, sorry for making that homosexual grammar error!

off the horse có nghĩa là

"Get off your high horse" is an idiom people retort with in an argument when the other person is acting like a holier-than-thou being when in reality, they aren't. To put it in a simpler manner, to tell people to stop acting as if they're the top authority when they aren't.

Ví dụ

Cowboy 1: Hey, partner! Go help your uncle jack off a horse!
Cowboy 2: How many times do I have to tell you, it's "help your Uncle Jack off a horse!
Cowboy 1: Oh, sorry for making that homosexual grammar error!

off the horse có nghĩa là

"Get off your high horse" is an idiom people retort with in an argument when the other person is acting like a holier-than-thou being when in reality, they aren't. To put it in a simpler manner, to tell people to stop acting as if they're the top authority when they aren't.

Ví dụ

Cowboy 1: Hey, partner! Go help your uncle jack off a horse!

off the horse có nghĩa là

Cowboy 2: How many times do I have to tell you, it's "help your Uncle Jack off a horse!

Ví dụ

Cowboy 1: Oh, sorry for making that homosexual grammar error! "Get off your high horse" is an idiom people retort with in an argument when the other person is acting like a holier-than-thou being when in reality, they aren't. To put it in a simpler manner, to tell people to stop acting as if they're the top authority when they aren't. Person A: "I am completely entitled to go around dismissing people when they do something completely normal just because they're wrong and I'm ultimately right."

off the horse có nghĩa là

Person B: "Get off your high horse." When someone at work thinks they are better than anyone else and tries to slam someone for following the rules. Kevin:"Holly, get off your high horse, I'm sick of it"

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Holly :"No Kevin, get off YOUR high horse, acting like you own Terrace! To continue trying to beat off a horse when it clearly isn't going to work anymore due to lack of blood flow.

off the horse có nghĩa là

Dude: I was out beating off a dead horse last night, but may hand started to cramp up, so i just went home instead.

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A line people use when they get confronted directly for acting like a cunt to try to save face. It is normally used on people of equal or lower social standing and not generally used on people with power or authority. It is a pre-packaged response designed to win over the crowd or turn the tables and doesn't actually have any bearing on who is right or wrong. Person 1: "Did you see Mark trying to hide his hair loss? It's so obvious."

off the horse có nghĩa là

Person 2: "Making fun of people's looks is kinda lame."

Ví dụ

Person 1: "Get off your high horse." When some one acts superior whereas they are not. Sometimes they are mistaken but usually delusional.

off the horse có nghĩa là

A really cool expression said only by the most exquisite people.

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Example is when a man who is trying to see a woman texts her that: “I would love to see you but it seems to me that you want more than what I can give. I don’t want a serious relationship.”

off the horse có nghĩa là

The woman says: “oh please ...get off your high horse. I am just no longer interested”!

Ví dụ

Man: “I am not looking for a serious relationship but love seeing you”
Woman: is this guy crazy or what ? Who wants a relationship with you?! Sonshe says: “ oh please... get off your high horse. Mối quan hệ?! I am not interested in you anymore. Stop texting me” An idiom used when you try to demoralise a smart cookie from spreading cringely bullcrap Guy1: Ur such an idiot, u can't even include iostream and restart your computer