Lỗi there is no available connection type nokia pc suite năm 2024

Make sure on the Nokia website that you have a N73 compatible Pc Suite, they are different for some models

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    Are you connecting with a cable? Or bluetooth?
Make sure on the Nokia website that you have a N73 compatible Pc Suite, they are different for some models

Sorry - I should have mentioned that I am using a cable. I am using the PC Suite that came with the brand new Nokia N73 - should I doubt this?

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This may help

http://www.allaboutsymbian.com/archive/t-49920.html http://www.allaboutsymbian.com/forum/showthread.php?t=51291

I had a similar problem with a N73 after I updated PC Suite from nokia.co.uk (to version It seemed to work OK for a while, but some time after, lost the ability to connect (got the error message "there is no available connection type") when using the USB data cable. It looked like the USB dirver was corrupt or not starting because the N73 device didn't appear under the toolbar icon Unplug or Eject Hrdware.

After trying all the usual things (reinstall, reboot PC & phone) etc), I finally used Windows Uninstall to take off all Nokia programs (there were about 4 different things listed), and then used Windows Search to delete EVERYTHING to do with Nokia from the PC. That took out all the USB drivers etc, even stuff in the temporary files & folders. Everything. Kill it all.

Then download and re-install PC Suite.

That did it for me - happily re-connected
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I have already uninstalled all Nokia pgms via ADD/REMOVE etc, then re-installed - but still no luck.

I'll have a look at those links.

The PC Suite I got with the phone is

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Here's the list of the new versions. Just try what that guy in his quote did. He deleted everything after uninstalling, including temporary files.


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i had a problem with IR on my old nokia. i had to limit the IR baud rate to 115200 for it to work.

similar problem with the cable. found a solution which I saved, but can't find original URL: ------ 1. Uinstall Nokia PC Suite 6.82.22 (or 6.7 or 6.8x) and restart PC. 2. Go to Windows' Control Panel and open "Add or Remove Programs" application. 3. If there are "PC Connectivity Solution" (or "Nokia PC Connectivity Solution" and/or "Nokia Connectivity Cable driver", uninstall those and restart PC. 4. Install PC Suite 6.82.22 and restart PC.

If problem happen again: 1. Go to Windows' Control Panel and open "Add or Remove Programs" application. 3. Select "PC Connectivity Solution", click "Change" and then "Repair". 4. After Repair, restart PC.

And if no help again: Save RegPCSuiteComponents.bat file to C:\Program Files\PC Connectivity Solution\ folder. Then go that folder and run it (double-click that file). After that restart PC. ------

The .bat file contains: @echo NOTE: This bat is for PC Suite 6.82! @echo Register some of windows dll files: regsvr32 "ole32.dll" regsvr32 "oleaut32.dll" regsvr32 "msxml3.dll" @echo Register some of PC Suite dll files: "ServiceLayer.exe" /UnRegServer regsvr32 "NclCapability.dll" regsvr32 "NclFT.dll" regsvr32 "NclSync.dll" regsvr32 "NclDS.dll" regsvr32 "NclPIMAccess.dll" regsvr32 "ConfServer.dll" regsvr32 "NclPhonet.dll" regsvr32 "NOX.dll" regsvr32 "SecurePlatformToolkit.dll" regsvr32 "PCCSWpdDriver.dll" regsvr32 "DBAccess.dll" regsvr32 "ConnAPI.dll" regsvr32 "DAAPI.dll" regsvr32 "NclAPI.dll" @echo NOTE: Registry to the next dll file(s) may fail if target media is not supported! @echo Register Infrared: regsvr32 "Transports\NCLIrDAMM.dll" @echo Register USB cable: regsvr32 "Transports\NCLUSBMM.dll" @echo Register Serial cable: regsvr32 "Transports\NCLRSMM.dll" @echo Register Bluetooth (Broadcomm): regsvr32 "Transports\NclBCBTMM.dll" @echo Register Bluetooth (Microsoft): regsvr32 "Transports\NclMSBTMM.dll" @echo Register Bluetooth (IVT BlueSoleil): regsvr32 "Transports\NclIVTBTMM.dll" @echo Register Bluetooth (Toshiba): regsvr32 "Transports\NclToBTMM.dll" "ServiceLayer.exe" /service

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Uninstall your PC Suite and ALL your phones drivers.

Then reinstall the PC Suite and only connect your phone when the program asks you to. NOT BEFORE.

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Same problem with my N80. Gave up on it after trying everything, including a complete cleansweep of everything involving Nokia. Could be a Symbian v3 problem

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    Same problem with my N80. Gave up on it after trying everything, including a complete cleansweep of everything involving Nokia. Could be a Symbian v3 problem

How's the N80's browsing capabilities HGP? Can it view normal web pages without too much problems?

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Yip the browser on Symbian v3 is probably the best one. It comes with a mouse cursor thingy which you move to the edge of the screen to scroll in whichever direction.

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Hello Wino, sorry to read about your problem. I have an N73 which I struggled to get connected originally. I came across advice on another site to hold the cable plug into the phone firmly while connecting i.e. as you press the "PC Suite" option on your phone after the cable has been connected to the PC. This worked for me. I frequently use all the elements of PC Suite and I must say, it is an excellent facility. Lovely screen for reading internet pages. And I agree with Higflyer GP, the Symbian v3 browser is excellent. I also like the ability to scroll back through mini-screens of your history that session, then click on the page you want to access again. Hope you get sorted.

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It's also worth pointing out that you need to use either a DKU-2 or CA-53 cable if you didn't get a cable supplied with your phone. I've seen staff in various cellular outlets selling DKU-5 & CA-42 cables instead. They look almost the same except the latter are USB to Serial and not true USB as required by all current Nokia 3G handsets!

As mentioned, never ever plug the cable in until Nokia Connection Manager tells you to do so!

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Thanks to all who responded.

I finally sorted out my problem by employing a piece here and there from some of your suggestions.

Firstly I removed every piece of the PC suite via Add/Remove pgms, then physically deleting all the folders created by the PC Suite install, and then running regclean.

I downloaded the latest version of PC Suite - 6.83.xxx - which is two minor versions newer than the CD enclosed in my N73 package and VOILA - now works like a charm.

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After having similar trouble with my phone, I discovered that Nokia offer an uninstall tool for their PC Suite which completely removes it - alot of folk have had trouble removing the software properly.