Lỗi 711 cannot load the remote access connection năm 2024

On NT you used to get this with Plug and Play Service disabled. Check and see if you have it on.


I assume you have the latest XP updates:


HP has a new BIOS and a maybe a new XP modem driver for your box (HP Note: This driver is only for the HP Omnibook or Pavilion notebook models with an HP model code of IB/IC running Windows XP.):

Error 711 indicates there is an issue with the Remote Access Services Manager and VyprVPN is unable to establish a connection with the VyprVPN network. This issue can arise due to certain Windows updates and luckily, it can easily be resolved.

What is RasMan? 'RasMan' is an abbreviation for Remote Access Connection Manager is a Windows service that manages virtual private network (VPN) connections from your computer to the Internet and if this service is disabled, the VyprVPN client will fail to start.

Let's get started!

1. Press the WinKey and R keys at the same time and that will launch the Run window. Next type in services.msc and click on OK.

Note: You can also launch this window by typing Run in the search box at your taskbar.

2. Scroll down to Remote Access Connection Manager and double click on it.

3. At the start-up type, select Automatic from the drop-down menu and click on Apply followed by OK button. Next, Restart your computer.

4. Close any open programs you may have running and reboot your computer.

I can’t select the Start-up type as it’s greyed out?

Please ensure that you’re logged into your computer using an administrator account. Next, press and hold the WinKey and R button to launch the Run window.

Type cmd into the box and then press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to run the command as an administrator. In the Command Prompt box, type in the command below, press Enter on your keyboard and restart your computer.

sc start rasman & sc config rasman start= auto

I am still getting an error(s)?

Please repeat steps 1 & 2 to access Microsoft Services and ensure the following dependency services of Remote Access Connection Manager (RasMan) and VyprVPN are set to Automatic. Once you’ve enabled them, please Restart your computer.

If you need any further assistance, please contact our 24/7 Customer Success Team, who would be glad to assist.

an eror message has been bugging my lately, rather since I started using programs which use the remote access connection manager.

one of them is songbird (the fire-foxy media player) which cannot listen to shared music, and SecondLife which uses it to make http calls, both of which make up pretty major parts of my day to day.

the actual error reads: Network Connections Cannot load the remote access connection manager service.

Error 711: the operation could not finish because it could not start the remote access connection manager service in time. please try the operation again.

I found Link Removed - Invalid URL which explains that windows is stupid and I should load the following dependant services manually. Telephony Remote Access Connection Manager Remote Access Auto Connection Manager

Telephony on my computer is already running, the Remote Access Auto Connection Manager depends on Remote Access Connection Manager, when I try to start the Remote Access Connection Manager service I get the error message: Services Windows could not start the remote access connection manager service on local computer

Error 1068: The dependancy Service or group failed to start.

so, down the rabit hole.... the Remote Access Connection Manager depends on Telephony (already running) and Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service.

when I try to manually start the Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service I get the following informative message: Services The Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs.

this is the end of our journey I'm afraid, its a circular problem as apparently the rabit hole leads to a perfectly functional service. So I'm at a loss, and would very much like to hear a solution or from anyone with similar issues.

thanks for any advice. Rabit

Last edited: Sep 21, 2009

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Hmmm, Untill yesterday i had exactly the same problem!!!, "711 error", so I tried everything you tried with the same 1068 error too. It started when I went on a mass clean up attempt in "add/remove programs" so i figured as i forgot to backup the computer.. or anything for that matter, I would have to start again:-(, I have a second hard drive so i moved everything important across and re-ran win-7 from scratch (overwriting the old win7 OS) Everything went smoothly.. I'm back using my wireless vpn internet connection!! I dont know if it's related but I had second life on my pc too.. could be related?? anyway hope that helps

  • 3

Still got the same problem, happened after a system restore.

EDIT: Fixed the issue by upgrading my system with my Windows 7 cd (yes I was already running 7 Ultimate).

Last edited: Sep 26, 2009

  • Thread Author
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well this is an elusive error. What programs caused it to appear for you guys?

I've stopped using songbird for the time being. A little more research (that I should of done earlier, sorry, completely forgot about the thread) the Remote Access connection manager is responsible for connecting to & maintaining dial-up connections & VPN's.

if you don't use dial up try disabling the Remote Access connection / Remote Access Auto connection manager, may fix this issue.

windows is presumably having problems with the network when it runs the RAC manager, & whatever program thats running is trying to use an internet feature at the time. Whats your connection status when the error appears?, although I've not been using songbird as much I've also bought a new wireless & started using edimax's tool to connect me I rarely ever get disconnected now. Did anyone change the way their computer connects to the internet before re-installing?, I used to use a Zydex ZD1211B but now its an Edimax EW-7711UAN.

I still don't understand why the error should stop appearing when windows 7 is re-installed, did anyone try a repair install before doing the re-install / upgrade?, how did that go?, when you repair an installation it re copies all windows dll's to the hdd, however re-installs would need all drivers etc to be re-installed.

so in short, although we're all fine now, if you've got the problem & found this thread, answer the questions above & try the following

  1. disable remote access connection manager / remote access auto connection manager if you don't use dial-up / vpn's.
  2. re-install / upgrade / roll-back any/all used networking drivers
  3. if theres an alternate method you can use to connect to the internet (borrow mates wireless dongle?, wired connection?) give it a try & consider investing in a new wireless card etc...
  4. repair the remote access connection manager dll's with the install cd

well those are my guesses at why re-installing win 7 would fix the error, and hopefully people wont have to go to such extreme lengths to fix it =]

Last edited: Sep 26, 2009

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System restore broke it for me. It broke my mobile, wireless and wired. Reinstalling windows is fine if you choose the option that you don't lose your stuff, much faster than doing all the research I did and coming up with nothing.

  • 6

Hi, I'm having this problem too. I've read that it could be because of a virtual machine, I had VirtualBox running. I've deinstalled it though without any change, but I read in my Event logs: The Remote Access Connection Manager service depends on the Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service service which failed to start because of the following error: The operation completed successfully.


Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because the Protocol engine [vpnike.dll] failed to initialize. The system cannot find the device specified.

I was trying to start secure socket tunneling protocol service and Remote Access Connection Manager. I checked for an vpnspike.dll, I dont have it in my System32 folder.

I'll try to replace all missing dlls I find missing and see if it helps.

I've also tried installing OpenVPN, which didnt help.

  • 7

Error 711 on a clean install

I have just tried to setup a VPN for work on a Win 7 install that is less than two weeks old using Ultimate. Getting this same error, checked all services recommended get the same result as everyone else!

Pretty ordinary situation.

  • 8

Re: Error 711 on a clean install

Hi All Fellow Suffers,

Issue Resolved

I am running Windows 7 Ultimate (fully updated) and have experienced the problems with Error 711, Error 1068 and not being able start the service "Remote Access Auto Connection Manager" (RAACM) because the service "Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service" upon which RAACM is dependent would start and immediately stop. The problem became evident when trying to use ICS (Interconnect Connection Service) and a Huawei Wireless Broadbroad USB Data Modem - I am not saying these applications were the cause of the problems, only that when I tried to run them that the problem existed.

After scouring Google and numerous forums for solutions I finally resolved the issue by following a suggestion to use my original Windows 7 DVD to do an upgrade installation of Windows 7 over the installed Windows 7. Once I had completed this (which took about 5 hours after 12 or more hours of unsuccessful sleuthing) the services "Remote Access Auto Connection Manager" and "Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service" both started correctly and the apllications that had been failing worked.

Going the Windows 7 upgrade route appears not to have broken any other applications, although the process did warn me to uninstall three programs before doing the upgrade and then to reinstall them after the upgrade was complete. I did uninstall the nominated programs but haven't bothered re-installing them as I decided I don't need them.

Good luck

  • 9

Error 711: cannot load remote access connection manager [Solution]

Well yeah I had the error sometimes here and there on the same internet protocol as well as other services , this happens to a breakage in the registry and some strings get formed from nowhere as a result and in the service's startup sub folders .

The Crisis - Windows saves a log event of the error and prevents the original string from starting and tries to start via the new strings [the fake ones] , This can be repaired by using a good registry cleaner or deleting the sub keys from registry yourself .

The Solution - Ill let you know the easier method .... log on to Windows by Safe mode ... open My Computer , Go to your Windows Installed directory (eg . c:\windows\system32) , Open "LogFiles" folder inside system32 , then the "WMI" Folder ... You will find a Folder named RTBackup inside it . What you have to do is delete everything inside the RTBackup Folder and to do that you must be using administrative privileges in safe Mode ...

A Godly Hand of Help - DONOT DeLETE THE RtBackup Folder! Just all the files inside it. If you are unable or windows is preventing your Access , you can mail me at for the Ownership taking Script to make it easier for you . After Deleting Everything inside , Just Reboot PC Into Normal Mode ... nJoy!

Donot worry about me Replying to the mail , I am online 24 hours and will reply within 6 hours of any Query or help you might need.

Last edited: Aug 11, 2010

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Re: Error 711: cannot load remote access connection manager [Solution]

boodwing , your a champ , ive been looking for a quickfix for like a year as i didnt want to reboot system , this has saved me hours !!!!

all i had to do was right click on RTBackup folder and "take ownership" before deleting all within the folder , now all is good. seriously made my day BTW if nobody knows how to get to safemode you press F8 before windows boots, if you didnt know that you prob shouldnt be doing this.

  • 11

Re: Error 711: cannot load remote access connection manager [Solution]

You... are the best... your solution fixed the problem and took less than 5 minutes! TYVM!

Well yeah I had the error sometimes here and there on the same internet protocol as well as other services , this happens to a breakage in the registry and some strings get formed from nowhere as a result and in the service's startup sub folders .

The Crisis - Windows saves a log event of the error and prevents the original string from starting and tries to start via the new strings [the fake ones] , This can be repaired by using a good registry cleaner or deleting the sub keys from registry yourself .

The Solution - Ill let you know the easier method .... log on to Windows by Safe mode ... open My Computer , Go to your Windows Installed directory (eg . c:\windows\system32) , Open "LogFiles" folder inside system32 , then the "WMI" Folder ... You will find a Folder named RTBackup inside it . What you have to do is delete everything inside the RTBackup Folder and to do that you must be using administrative privileges in safe Mode ...

A Godly Hand of Help - DONOT DeLETE THE RtBackup Folder! Just all the files inside it. If you are unable or windows is preventing your Access , you can mail me at for the Ownership taking Script to make it easier for you . After Deleting Everything inside , Just Reboot PC Into Normal Mode ... nJoy!

Donot worry about me Replying to the mail , I am online 24 hours and will reply within 6 hours of any Query or help you might need.
  • 12

Re: Error 711: cannot load remote access connection manager [Solution]

Hello, First of all please excuse my English.

I have an Acer AS 5738ZG with win7 home premium x64 preinstalled. I encountered the error 711 message after the first windows update. Each time I try to start the Remote Access Connection Manager from Services I get this error message: "Windows could not start the Remote Access Connection Manager on Local Computer. Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified."

This is the third time I reinstall W7. Everything works fine until I do the first update. All connections are dead except wireless. I'll be greatful for any advices.

  • 13

That often happens after a Windows update :-B cause of a System fault in shutdown, powercut , system crash , Where windows fails to load the update properly . Go to safe mode .... open command prompt and type /sfc scannow. This will make a Surface scan . Note: In windows 7 The surface Scan when performed sets all Windows Config / Enhancements / Services Priorities to Default. This will fix it. You might get Performance Mode look after the first reboot , But you can change that yourself b-)

  • 14

Windows Update will not cause a missing file.

As Broodwing showns to fix it, open an elevated command prompt. Type the following then press enter:

sfc /scannow

This is the system file integrity check utility.

Then reboot.

  • 15

Torrentg, the reason I say windows update might cause the file missing is that more than 40% Users use pirated / Modded Copies of Software and Operating Systems, In case of a Pirated Windows 7 Copy , Windows update will remove some files like the theme.dll to Start with. And even the Surface scan will remove such malicious/modded Files , But they should have thought about that before getting a pirated Modded copy :-B:-B

  • 16

    Torrentg, the reason I say windows update might cause the file missing is that more than 40% Users use pirated / Modded Copies of Software and Operating Systems, In case of a Pirated Windows 7 Copy , Windows update will remove some files like the theme.dll to Start with. And even the Surface scan will remove such malicious/modded Files , But they should have thought about that before getting a pirated Modded copy :-B:-B

That's not true about WU removing files.

KB971033 checks for authenticity, but other than that, nothing becomes deleted.

  • 17

@ Link Removed As I said in my first post, W7 was preinstalled on my laptop. I paid for the license about 170$ extra.

I did several scanns with sfc scannow and everything seems ok. I wouldn't bother you if I hadn't tried everything I knew before.

  • 18

    @ Link Removed As I said in my first post, W7 was preinstalled on my laptop. I paid for the license about 170$ extra.
I did several scanns with sfc scannow and everything seems ok. I wouldn't bother you if I hadn't tried everything I knew before.

If you're trying to get ethernet (wired) connection to work, turning on this service will not help in doing so.

I suggest creating a new thread explaining that you can not get wired connections to work, so Trouble, myself and/or others could concentrate on the problem, specifically.

In it, you can attach a screen shot using the Windows built-in Snipping Tool (type that in start menu) to make a screen shot of the command prompt while running this command:

ipconfig /all

That will be a great start to try to receive proper help.

Also, please tell us the motherboard model so we can show you the latest driver to install while troubleshooting.

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Thanks, I'll do that. Thanks again for all your answers.

  • 20

Re: Error 711: cannot load remote access connection manager [Solution]

I would just like to add a note to this. I had this exact problem and tried this solution give by Broodwing which I am sure would have worked only that that folder in sys32 was empty and when i checked its permissions it was already est to myself then i remembered that i had used that solution in the past for something else but now it was causing my problem because when you take ownership it replaces the permissions and the system cannot write the files back in so i added "SYSTEM" to the permissions list and rebooted and its was all fine so just remember SYSTEM needs to be in the permissions as well. but perfect easy solution otherwise.

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