chivs là gì - Nghĩa của từ chivs

chivs có nghĩa là

a chav word for stab


the chav said "shurrup or ill chiv ya"

chivs có nghĩa là

Knife, stabbing instrument, or to stab


I'll fucking chiv ya

I'll stick a chiv in your neck

chivs có nghĩa là

Rape of the anus.


Oh god no, please no, please don't chiv me. PLEASE!

chivs có nghĩa là

1.(Pronounced 'Shiv') An extremely annoying and morbidly obese for their small height varient of the human race.
Although Physically retarded Chivs are almost human and many have mastered the fine arts of 'speaking' and 'walking upright' (although Chivs cannot walk more than 20 meters under any 20 minute period due to their weak french - this is explained later - limbs and obesity).
The first Chivs are believed to have been formed by the mating of beast with man (Generally Pigs.)The Chiv tends to have a voice that is higher pitched than an 8 year old homosexual Australian, which has lead experts to believe that no matter what age the Chiv is, they have not experience puberty and probably never will.
Chivs Generally tend to descend from France which experts believe is the reason behind their Gayness and overall annoyingness. however, The Chiv will almost always deny any links to being French, regardless of evidence provided in the form of their Inbred like looks, extreme weakness despite their bodyweight, and tendency to surrender extremely quickly in any argument, fight etc.
Although physically retarded, Chivs are - in general fairly smart - this has lead in some cases to Chivs being mistaken for normal but ugly human beings who are thought to be like they are because of some sort of birth defect.
Chivs that have managed to infiltrate normal human society are known as 'That fat retard' or 'FR Chivs' for short (This further proves that Chivs originate from France - 'FR'ance).
Despite their intelligence and best efforts of hiding their identity there are two telltale signs that somone in your society may be one of these slippery little twats.

(1) The Suspected Chiv/Human will dress themselves from head to toe in sportswear.(e.g tracksuits, trainers etc)
the sportswear should be unnessecarily expensive (e.g £80 running shoes) despite the fact that the Chiv is incapable of running or any other excersize for more than 15 seconds. It is thought that the FR's dress themmselves in this way in as an attempt to disguise the fact that they are a fat, lazy cunt.

(2)Underdeveloped Penis/Chode/Lack of Pubic hair.
It is Suggested by experts that Chivs do not experience Puberty, therefore any 'human' male over the age of 11 who has a non existant penis (shorter than 0.3" or just unable to look at without the use of a microscope), a penis that fits the description of a chode or just has no visible pubic/bodily hairs (allowing a margin of error on ginger people due to the elusive 'ginger pube' or ginger pubes)

Chivs are generally thought of as a nuisance/danger to human society and have therefore been outlawed from areas populated by humans by the British government. Suspected FR's are dealt with using lethal injections to make sure that they do not spread their French Communist ideals among innocent members of the British Public.

In the event that you encounter somone who matches the above criteria DO NOT attempt to apprehend the suspected
FR, an exposed FR or EFR for short is extremely dangerous and anyone confronting the Chiv with their Communist Surrendering ways is in severe danger of being dry humped* by the little prick. Instead you should call the government specialists who are trained** to deal with these little buggers.

*due to the fact that Chivs have sexual organs retarded to the point that they are unusable Chivs can not perform the act of sexual intercourse (not that they would be able to anyway as they are annoying and ugly) this means that Chivs cannot reproduce and therefore only 1 generation of Chiv lives at a time.

**Due to their French heritage the Chiv is extremely cowardly when faced with any kind of threat so this highly trained government force will pull toy guns on the Chiv who will immediately surrender like a little bitch. this method should not be attempted by civilians as if the Chiv finds that the weapon is false they will bombard innocent people nearby with their annoying voice and do very shit impressions of jokes that were not funny in the first place e.g. 'Hammy the hamster'. In the event of Finding an FR Chiv dial this simple number : 9903 768 915 395 324 Which will put you through to the 'Frog bashers' - the special division of the army trained to deal with the threat of French Pig/Men.

2. A poor excuse for a human being who everybody loves to hate, Who is rightly subjected to being called a cunt by complete strangers Usually of French heritage.


1. Innocent British Civilian: "That fat retarded Kid has no pubes!, he must be an FR"

FR Chiv (Speaking in a Greasy French accent and panting from the 2 meters he has just walked): *Extremely bad impression of 'Hammy the Hamster'*

Innocent British Civilian: "PLEASE STOP !!!! YOU ARE MURDERING A JOKE THAT WAS NEVER FUNNY. *hides a chocolate bar underneath his shirt and pretends its a gun* ILL SHOOT YOU YOU DAMN COMMIE!!"

FR Chiv: "Non! I Surrendurre! please do not harm me i will kiss your shoes monsuer!

Innocent Bystander: This would have been a lot easier if somone had dialed 9903 768 915 395 324 its so simple to remember. once again that number was 9903 768 915 395 324.

2. *a short, obese, frenchman enters a cafe.*

Man to Waiter:
"I will auve 7 sausueges, 20 snails and 50 frogs legs"

Waiter: *Smacks the man round the face with a fish* "Fuck off you chiv we dont serve that kind of food here."

Everyone in Cafe: "Twat!"

chivs có nghĩa là

1. Discusting Chav. 2. Very Cute Small Animal... Like A Kitten Of Some Sort. 3. A State Of Unenthusiasticness... "Meh, Feeling A Bit Chiv Today"


1. Person: i'd of like killed the fat chiv with my words-- haha chiv! hahaha i mean chav xD 2. 'Awww how cute, he's so small, and chiv' 3. "Meh, Feeling A Bit Chiv Today"

chivs có nghĩa là

A highly intimate form of intercourse wherein one individual is sat upon that individual's partner, performing an action well known as the "straddle" position. this only works with people named charlie and liv, though. so if your name is charlie, go find yourself a liv so you can perform the "chiv."


Did charlie just ask liv to do the chiv?

chivs có nghĩa là

Derived from HIV+ A virus that has infected Used to describe the degression of the site in recent months; mainly for pictures, articles, and videos that aren't visible or don't work.


User1: WTF? I can't see it
User2: Yea, this pic's CHIV+

chivs có nghĩa là

A vile, fatal disease originating from the embodiment of pestilence himself, Mr Andy Chivers. Caused by inhaling or ingesting his bodily secretions. Gases produced by his corrosive vomit or toxic ejaculate should be avoided at all costs. Physical contact may result in scabbing, blisters, or pulsating warts. Upon contraction of The Chiv the victim will instantly rendered infertile and a bad sket. Within the first 10 days the intelligence of the victim will drastically drop, reducing someone once completely eloquent to shouting phrases such as 'not in me arse lad' or 'some o dat bing man'. Following this the victim's mental state will continue to deteriorate, their skin will begin to shrivel, they will suddenly become addicted to drugs that they have never tried, and want to start shagging less attractive creatures. After an unspecified amount of time the victim will eventually succumb to The Chiv, dying horribly in a pile of their own faecal matter and tears. Plz shar 2 spred awarnes.


Elyse just necked a pint of Andy's nob juice, she's defo just got The Chiv.

chivs có nghĩa là

Anything, anyone, a way you're feeling, or an insult.


1. Ugh! You're such a chiv-it! 2. I'm feeling really chivy today. 3. Can you hand me that chiv-it? 4. Did you see chiv-it last night? He was unbelievable!

chivs có nghĩa là

Slang for cold weather


"It's chiv asf outside tdy, I needa get my jacket."