cecilias là gì - Nghĩa của từ cecilias

cecilias có nghĩa là

Is the name given to the most craziest girl you'll ever meet (in a good way). Someone who is a rebel without a cause, and a free spirit. She's weird. You wont be missing anything if you're with her. Cecilia is a mixture of both beauty and a great personality. She is very rare, which makes her special. She's the kind of person that is caring towards others when she wants to, has a good sense of humor, fun to be around with, and mysterious in some ways. If you need someone to talk to, she will be there 100% of the time with you. Cecilia is also very shy at first, but once you get to know her, you'll see that she's the loudest animal living on this planet. She'd rather be the bro in the girl world, and doesn't care about what others think of her, she likes to be her own judge. She makes you do things that you've never done before. Cecilia is a girl who is obsessed with boys, bands, actors, AKA she is a fangirl. She seems to always claim that she isn't obsessing. She is a blessing in the lives of all those that are privileged to have her in their life. If you're lucky enough to have her in your life, make sure you keep her because you wont be able to find anyone else like her.


Cecilia! I could hear you from down the street! What do you think you're doing, Cecilia? Cecilia, where did you get your creativity from? I think Cecilia had the best personality throughout the whole season.

cecilias có nghĩa là

A mysteriously beautiful woman. She is calm, collected, and classy. She has a gorgeous face and one of the most amazing bodies, causing every man's head to turn. However, the best part about her is her pure soul. She can have anyone she wants, but she is incredibly faithful and loyal to the one she chooses. Her word and actions always match and no matter what, she will always be there for you. She is the type of woman to put a smile on your face, and relax you at the end of the day. If you let her go, you will regret it until the day you die. Cecilia is the type you want to marry.


Guy 1: Damn! Do you see that girl!?
Guy 2: She has the best ass I've ever seen!!
Guy 3: Yeah, that ass is fat, but what's better is her intellect. She's a Cecilia!

cecilias có nghĩa là

Cecilia. She can mean so many things. Quiet and introverted. Loud and extroverted. They can't all be defined so easily. They are free spirits. They don't trust easily so if they open up (with the truth) that most likely means that they trust you and they want to get to know you better as well. She's actually very intelligent. She loves to laugh and play around with the people she loves. She might be feeling down sometimes but she is always there for you if you need her. She might not always act kind and caring but she truly does want YOU to feel good and be happy. Don't take advantage of her, once you hurt her deeply she is not so easily gotten back. Treat her kindly and with respect and she will do the same.


Cecilia is so quiet
Cecilia is so loud
Cecilia is nice

cecilias có nghĩa là

The most beautiful girl you would ever meet. She is super intelligent and super shy. Once you get to know her she is the loudest person you have ever meet.


Wow that girl is gorgeous! She must be a Cecilia
Have you meet the new girl she is super smart. She must be a Cecilia!

cecilias có nghĩa là

Best friend in the world! Kind and loving, sometimes quiet and cares for you! Can be a little "over - crazed". Cecilia looks out for you every time. She's a rare friend to have and you most likely won't see anyone with this name.


Me: Cecilia, I miss you being in my class.
Cecilia: Me too. :(

cecilias có nghĩa là

Cecilia is sometimes silence and sad when you are not around her, she loves playing with a friend, she could easily make you her best friend Don't lose her because she loves you who ever you are


Cecilia was also any ancient woman and religious she was also a blind woman who worshiped god, she loved music

cecilias có nghĩa là

Cecilia is a great person, one of my best friends. She is always caring about her friends and really nice. She has an amazing personality and can always make your day, and she is really good at falling asleep. She's unique like every other person, but that includes a dark side. If pushed to anger, she can get mad to do some mean things. She can be pretty depressed and sad at times, but doesn't mean she's unable to be cheered up. She loses herself in the thoughts of hatred. Needing friends to support her out of such thoughts. Anyways, that's my aspects of Cecilia, a very great and unique friend.


Cecilia, you are an amazing person!

cecilias có nghĩa là

Is the name given to the most craziest girl you'll ever meet (in a good way). She's weird. You won't be missing anything if you're with her. Cecilia is a mixture of both beauty and a great personality. She is very rare, which makes her special. She's the kind of person that is caring towards others when she wants to, has a good sense of humor, fun to be around with, and mysterious in some ways. If you need someone to talk to she will be there 100% of the time with you. Cecilia is also very shy at fist, but once you get to know her, you'll see that she's the loudest animal living on the planet. Cecilia is a classy individual with a face that makes people take a double look at her. She can have anyone she wants, but once she finds the one she is incredibly faithful and loyal to the one she chooses. Her words always match her actions, and she is the type of woman to put a smile on your face, and help relax you at the end of the day. If you let her go, you will regret it until the day you die. Cecilia is the type you want to marry.


I will never forget Cecilia.

cecilias có nghĩa là

A super hot girl with the best ass in the world. She will f*** you till you can't stop smiling and will never tell. Dedicated to her love, she fits perfectly with a Travis, she will stand up and be courageous and will make you keep going. She loves school and always does extra. She is a community helper and will work 25/8 to get everything done to the best and beyond. NEVER turn down a Cecilia, she will treat you like a jewel and will be the angel in your life.


That is my Cecilia don't you dare try to take her cause I already claimed her.

cecilias có nghĩa là

Cecilia is a person who brings happiness into one's life. She can lift depression and bring bliss. She gives you moments that are unforgettable and so perfect, that everything else is forgetten.


When Cecilia works her magic all else is forgotten.