the wolf pack là gì - Nghĩa của từ the wolf pack

the wolf pack có nghĩa là

A group of guys that searches Las Vegas for hookers and Cocaine.


Could this be? My wolf pack just increased by two.

the wolf pack có nghĩa là

The Wolf pack is a conglomerate of fagots, drunks that "can't hang", clumsy and or uncoordinated people that go to parties and make fools out of themselves.
They also deny each other and the wolf pack in its entirety when things get too crazy or involve physical confrontation, this includes getting kicked out of parties. Gay wolf pack member- grabs other men crotch area. He does this with the full knowledge and confidence that the victim will not make a scene (especially at Halloween parties) because it will cause self humiliation. Drunk that "can't hang"- This member is responsible for drinking the smallest amount of alcohol and getting the most wasted while at the same time promoting the wolf pack name and political agenda. Note- This member is easy to anger and to fuck with, this usually results in him getting kicked out of parties and looking like a bitch. Clumsy Wolf pack member- Challenges others to drinking games but ends up humiliating himself and humanity by spilling beer all over his shirt and being an overall bitch. The wolf pack may also have an African-American/nigger/black guy, member in its numbers. This member is responsible for wearing cheap ass gear(clothing) and trying to hate on other peoples shoes. This of course results in his own humiliation and the destruction of his dignity.


Drunk wolf pack member- Wolf pack is the best (slams beer on table)
Owner of the House/party host- Get the fuck out you fucken drunk bitch.
Drunk wolf pack member-Fuck this party.... WOLF PACK LETS ROLL..... (pounds remaining beer in his can ) while waking away
Wolf pack members- deny the existence of the wolf pack and deny all knowledge of drunk wolf pack member. Drunk wolf pack member- waits outside in the cold streets for 4 hours thinking that the wolf pack will rise and follow him into glorious victory, but in reality other wolf pack members stay indoors enjoying the party while taking mass shit about drunk wolf pack member.
Drunk wolf pack member most infamous quote " I blackout but i never pass out"

the wolf pack có nghĩa là

the most questioned, most hated group of all of Bracebridge. consisting of one black kid who thinks he's top shit and feels the need to howl at everybody at school. 2 cousins who work out and "dip" which is putting an obscene amount of chewing tobacco in your bottom lip, but rip on people who smoke cigarettes, some mexican kid who thinks he's just the funniest guy, but is probably secretly one of their boyfriends, and that kid is the most sarcastic, self absorbed fucking piece of shit kid you'll ever meet. some blonde douche who throws the grossest dips and is an asshole to everybody. basically, the point of the Wolf Pack is just to hate and rip on kids who arent them. its a group of preps that specifically hate on other preps and decide to fight them. kind of like a north korea vs south korea kinda thing. and if anybody makes a comment about them, or to them; the whole god damn group decides to tear that person apart and just annoy the fuck out of everyone. The Wolf Pack is nothing but a bunch of piece of shit kids with nothing better to do than assume they are better than everybody else.


they show up to a party and annouce that the Wolf Pack has arrived. they all put dip in their lips and start playing beer pong.

the wolf pack có nghĩa là

The three best friends that anyone can have...


You guys might not know this, but I consider myself a bit of a loner. I tend to think of myself as a one-man wolf pack. But when my sister brought Doug home, I knew he was one of my own. And my wolf pack... it grew by one. So there... there were two of us in the wolf pack... I was alone first in the pack, and then Doug joined in later. And six months ago, when Doug introduced me to you guys, I thought, "Wait a second, could it be?" And now I know for sure, I just added two more guys to my wolf pack. Four of us wolves, running around the desert together, in Las Vegas, looking for strippers and cocaine. So tonight, I make a toast!

the wolf pack có nghĩa là

Killing weaker enemies before focusing on stronger ones in an MMORPG.


Wolf packing is the reason we won that fight. Those adds kept killing us before we changed strategies.

the wolf pack có nghĩa là

A group of four individuals who run around the desert together in Las Vegas looking for strippers and cocaine. Wolf Packs are also known to consume shots of Jägermeister on the roof of Caesar's Palace.


So there were two of us in the Wolf Pack, I was alone first in the pack, and then Doug joined in later... and 6 months ago, when Doug introduced me to you guys, I thought, "wait a second, could it be?" and now I know for sure... I just added two more guys to my Wolf Pack.

the wolf pack có nghĩa là

A mind altering situation in which a someone is the focal point of multiple partners orally stimulating virtually every point of their body. Generally, the meal of this will lay on their back, while all other partners turn them into an oral feast. The image to onlookers is similar to a wolf pack after a fresh kill.


Girl 1: "So how did your birthday party go?"
Girl 2: "Oh my god... I got wolf-packed! There was so many mouths on me it was just a blur of tongues and slurping!"

the wolf pack có nghĩa là

Anyone who has served time at Kunsan Air Base Korea "Wolf Pack"


You aint been packed til you've been "Wolf Packed"
See how that Sargeant walks, he's been "Wolf Packed"

the wolf pack có nghĩa là

What is The Wolf Pack? "We Are A New Breed Of Kaniacs" We are a fun group of KANIACS bound together by our loyalty, respect, for Actor, and Singer Christian Kane and that also goes towards one another as well. Beware if you attack 1 of us, you will feel the wrath from the rest of us. We are there for each other to lend a hand, or a virtual hug! The Wolf Pack always show their support, everyday while we're voting to win Christian, all of those "Hottie of the Week" titles & we maintain many of the Christian Kane fan websites. We create & share fan art, on a daily basis. We are the ones out there tweeting and retweeting promoting any & every project that Christian is doing big or small. Members of The Wolf Pack actually travel in packs to go see Christian perform, even in other countries that's how devoted to him they are. Once a year we get together and hold KaneCon monies raised goes towards Christians favorite charities! It's been said that Christian has said that he has, the greatest fans in the world, I couldn't agree more w/him, The Wolf Packs Bond is strong and you can't break our stride, we pick ourselves up dust ourselves off and we are to the next campaign. The Wolf Pack holds monthly meetings where we pick a theme we pick activities. Of course everything is related to Christian Kane!


when I had my surgery, My Kaniac Sister's of The Wolf Pack checked on me round the clock When Christian played in England The Wolf Pack had their bags packed and followed him The Wolf Pack Kanianc come out in full force when Christian needs votes to win one of his Hottie of the Week contests The Kaniacs of The Wolf Pack are signing a petition to get Christian to play Dalton in the remake of Road House

the wolf pack có nghĩa là

A gang that was formed in 2007 in Raynham, Ma to make fun of our friend Paul who thinks hes a crip. There theme song is howlin with the pack by hammerfall. Also there are only 2 ways into the wolfpack: 1. Fight in. 2. Fucked in. There flag color is grey.


The wolf pack hates crips especially Paul.

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