the blind man là gì - Nghĩa của từ the blind man

the blind man có nghĩa là

To ejaculate into a sexual partners eyes (male of female, preferably female), then to quickly reverse position while the partner rubs the eyes in pain and penetrate the anal cavity with a powerful thrust.


Just givin' the ol' Blind man's folly to Winona really gets me off.


Connor that bastard did the Blind man's folly to me again last night!

the blind man có nghĩa là

A party game for the very drunk and very knuckleheaded.
1. Several (3 or more) girls lie on the floor/bed naked.
2. The contestant is blindfolded.
3. The contestant then proceeds to eat out each girl's muff.
4. The aim of the game is for the contestant to correctly guess who he/she is licking out by the taste of the clam and/or the squeals of pleasure (or pain in the case of novices) of the muff owners.


John's skill at blind man's muff was totally astounding. Even when completely slaughtered on the best booze and drugs he still managed to guess every accomplice's identity.

the blind man có nghĩa là

When you use a public (or private) bathroom and proceed to "attempt" and piss in the urinal or toilet, but instead manically pee all over anything but the urinal or toilet as if a blind man made his mark. Walls, ceilings, toilet paper, sinks, mirrors, and floors are equally not spared. This is normally done while heavily intoxicated, or if you're an asshole may be completed while sober.


Charlie: Yo man, I'm piss drunk and am definitely pulling a blind man in Meredith's bathroom tonight. Her walls will be covered in golden goodness. Dave: That's awesome dude! Last night, I drenched my corner bar's bathroom with piss while screaming Al Pacino quotes. HOO-HAH! BITCHES!

the blind man có nghĩa là

A retributive procedure for avenging one's girlfriend's frigidity of the previous night involving a rather cruel artifice (note - artifice, not oriface, although it is quite possible that her orifaces may well have been cruel, hence the ease of confusion).

Procedure - the perpetrator must make sure that he awakens in the morning before the victim. Like a secret sex-ninja he must have a silent wraith-wank, being careful to ensure that any bed wobbling does not awaken the victim. After his sausage-basting reaches climax, he must dab a finger tip in the resulting cheddar-puddle and rub a sufficient amount of his monkey-spunk along the closed edges of the victim's eyelids, making sure that the eyelashes have a sufficient glazing of knob-gloop so as to become intractably stuck to one another.
After pausing to allow for drying and cementation, the perpetrator lights a few matches and blows them out quickly, allowing some of the thick smoke to drift into the victim's nostrils. After she begins to stir at the noxious smell wafting into her alternative nasal cock tunnels, the perpetrator must shout, as loudly and as anxiously as possible, "FIRE, FIRE... THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE.. YOU ARE ON FIRE!"


I blind man's bluffed her good and proper, yes siree.

the blind man có nghĩa là

A derivation of "tag" played on a jungle-gym where the person who's "it" is blindfolded and all players are not permitted to touch the ground.


I have a killer bruise on my shin from jumping from the slide to the monkey bars, avoiding the person who was "it" while playing blind man's bluff.

the blind man có nghĩa là

To have bad acne, pimples, zits, etc.

(Shortened from the old joke "He has so many zits, (How many does he have?) ...he fell asleep in the library and woke up with a blind man trying to read his face.")


Guy 1: Laurie's really a cute chick; shame about her complexion though.
Guy 2: She needs to get some medicine for that blind man all over her face.

the blind man có nghĩa là

1) A fugly chick so horrid only the Blind will smile at that baish.

2) need for the use of a blindfold to forget about the vision of one ugly succubus.


* Timmy had some Blind Man's Pleasure with Tina after having acid poured into his eyes.
*Thankfully i had a paperbag handy to enjoy some Blind Man's Pleasure after seeing a face that looks like Carmen Electra after getting beatin in the face, scarred with a butcher knife, bitten by a rat, and pissed on.

the blind man có nghĩa là

When you sit on your hand for an extended period of time then proceed to masturbate. Your hand will have gone numb so it feels like someone else is doing it for you.


"Me and Dave combined the Blind man's wank with a Dutch Rudder last night" "Really? I've got to try that! Sounds like a rush!"

the blind man có nghĩa là

When you bring home a girl and she is too drunk to put out and passes out on you.
You jerk off and cum on her closed eyes. When she wakes up in the morning her eyes are crusted shut and she walks around like a blind man.


Man i brought home that drunk broad from the bar and she just passed out on me. Gave her the blind man and she woke up tripped over my dog and knocked over my lamp.

the blind man có nghĩa là

when a man places one testicle on each eyeball and his penis in her mouth, this is difficult to do unless the man has a rather large sac and the girl has a low self-esteem.


Dude! I totally gave my ex a Blind Man Choker last night! She totally deserved it!

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