Bài tập tieng anh cau bi dong dac biet

Passive voice là dạng bài tập thường xuất hiện trong các đề thi Toeic, IELTS, thậm chí là cả đề thi THPTQG. Vì vậy, để đạt được số điểm mong muốn, bạn không thể bỏ qua những dạng câu này. Hiểu được điều đó, bài viết này sẽ tổng hợp lại các kiến thức cơ bản cũng như bài tập passive voice dạng đặc biệt để giúp bạn có thể ôn luyện và tự tin đạt điểm cao trong kỳ thi sắp tới.

Tóm tắt lý thuyết passive voice dạng đặc biệt

Dạng câu bị động 2 tân ngữ

Công thức ở dạng chủ động: S + V + O1 + O2

Cách đổi:

  • TH1: Đưa tân ngữ gián tiếp lên đầu câu để trở thành chủ ngữ trong câu bị động: S + be + VpII + O1
  • TH2: Đưa tân ngữ trực tiếp lên đầu câu để trở thành chủ ngữ trong câu bị động: S + be + VpII + giới từ + O2

Ví dụ:

  • She gave him a pen. → He was given a pen by her.
  • They gave him a special gift on his birthday. → He was given a special gift on his birthday by them.

Dạng câu bị động với V + V-ing

Công thức ở dạng chủ động: V + somebody + V-ing

Cách đổi: V + somebody/something + being + V(P2)

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Ví dụ: They enjoy watching movies. → Movies being watched are enjoyed by them.

Dạng câu này được áp dụng khi trong câu chứa các động từ như: hate, love, like, dislike, admit (to), deny, regret, enjoy…

Dạng câu bị động với động từ tri giác

Công thức ở dạng chủ động: S + V + somebody + V-ing/to V-inf

Cách đổi: S + to be + V(P2) + V-ing/to V-inf

Ví dụ: I see him playing basketball every afternoon. → He is seen playing basketball every afternoon.

Dạng câu bị động kép

Công thức ở dạng chủ động: S + V1 + that + S2 + V2 + ….

Cách đổi:

  • Trường hợp 1: It is + V1-pII + that + S2 + V2 + …
  • Trường hợp 2: S2 + is/am/are + V1-pII + to + V2 (nguyên thể) +… (chỉ dùng khi V2 ở thì hiện tại đơn hoặc tương lai đơn)
  • Trường hợp 3: S2 + is/am/are + V1-pII + to have + V2-pII + …

Ví dụ:

  • She believes that he stole her wallet. → It is believed by her that her wallet was stolen by him.
  • They expect him to finish the project on time. → He is expected to finish the project on time by them.
  • We want him to have prepared the report. → He is wanted to have prepared the report by us.

Dạng câu bị động với câu mệnh lệnh

Trường hợp 1: Công thức ở dạng chủ động: V + O!

  • Cách đổi: Let + O + be + V(p2)
  • Ví dụ: Keep the door closed! → Let the door be kept closed!

Trường hợp 2: Công thức ở dạng chủ động: It’s one’s duty to + V-inf

  • Cách đổi: S + to be + supposed to+V inf
  • Ví dụ: It’s our duty to take care of the environment. → We are supposed to take care of the environment.

Trường hợp 3: Công thức ở dạng chủ động: It’s necessary to + V-inf

  • Công thức ở dạng bị động: S + should/ must + be +P2
  • Ví dụ: It’s necessary to clean the house regularly. → The house should/must be cleaned regularly.

Dạng câu bị động với cấu trúc câu sai khiến

Trường hợp 1: Công thức ở dạng chủ động: S + have + somebody + V

  • Công thức ở dạng bị động: S + have + something + P2 + by sb
  • Ví dụ: She had her assistant send the email. → She had the email sent by her assistant.

Trường hợp 2: Công thức ở dạng chủ động: S + get + somebody + to-V

  • Công thức ở dạng bị động: S + get + something + P2
  • Ví dụ: They got their father to fix the car. → They got the car fixed.

Dạng câu bị động với Make/Let

Công thức ở dạng chủ động: S + make + sb + V-inf + O

  • Công thức ở dạng bị động: Sb + to be + made + to + V-inf + O
  • Ví dụ: The teacher made the students clean the classroom. → The students were made to clean the classroom.

Công thức ở dạng chủ động: S + let/allow + Sb + V-inf + O.

  • Công thức ở dạng bị động: Sb + be + let/allowed + to V-inf + O.
  • Ví dụ: They let him use their computer. → He was allowed to use their computer.

Dạng câu bị động với 7 động từ đặc biệt

Các động từ gồm có: demand/insist/suggest/require/request/order/recommend.

Công thức ở dạng chủ động: S + suggest/require/request/… + that + Clause (S + (should) + V -inf + O)

Công thức ở dạng bị động: It + to be + VpII (of 7 verbs) + that + something + to be + VpII

Ví dụ:

  • I suggest that she should study harder. → It is suggested that she should be made to study harder.
  • The manager requires that the employees submit their reports on time. → It is required that the employees’ reports be submitted on time.

Dạng câu bị động với chủ ngữ giả It

Công thức ở dạng chủ động: It + to be + adj + for somebody + to V + to do something

Công thức ở dạng bị động: It + to be + adj + for something + to be done.

Ví dụ:

  • It is important for us to protect the environment. → It is important for the environment to be protected.
  • It is necessary for her to finish the project on time. → It is necessary for the project to be finished on time.

Xem thêm:

  • Bài tập câu bị động thì hiện tại đơn
  • Cấu trúc Because và Because of
  • Cấu trúc No sooner than

Bài tập passive voice dạng đặc biệt

Bài tập passive voice dạng đặc biệt

Bài tập 1: Viết lại các câu sau sử dụng cấu trúc câu bị động

  1. She gave me a book.
  2. They showed us the way.
  3. He offered her a drink.
  4. We lent them some money.
  5. She taught me English.
  6. They sent him a gift.
  7. I showed her the picture.
  8. He bought me a present.
  9. They told us a story.
  10. She cooked him dinner.

Bài tập 2: Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không đổi

  1. Keep the door closed!
  2. Take care of the environment.
  3. Clean the house regularly.
  4. It’s our duty to recycle waste materials.
  5. It’s their duty to respect other people’s privacy.
  6. It’s his duty to complete the assigned tasks on time.
  7. It’s their duty to obey the rules and regulations.
  8. It’s necessary to repair the car as soon as possible.
  9. It’s necessary to update the software regularly.
  10. It’s necessary to take care of your health.

Bài tập 3. Hoàn thành các câu sau sử dụng cấu trúc câu bị động dạng đặc biệt với “get”

1. I don’t understand why this room is always so dirty. It …………….. (clean) every day.

2. We usually ………………… (the living room/ redecorate) every three years.

3. Susan isn’t making her own wedding dress, she …………….. (it / make) by a designer in New York.

4. When foreign novels are translated into English, a lot of the original meaning usually ………………. (lose) in the translation.

5. She didn’t fix his motorbike himself, she ………………….. (it / fix) at the garage.

6. If my motorbike ………………. (damage) by you, you will have to pay for the repairs.

7. Mark Thompson ……………… (kill) in an car crash in the US in the 1950s.

8. I’m going to buy food online and I ……………… (the food / deliver) to my apartment.

9. If you can’t see clearly, you should ………………… (your eyes / test)

10. Are they going to paint the wall themselves, or …………………….. (it / paint)?

11. Did you know that Harry ………………. (promote) to a management position at work! What a surprising news.

12. ……………….. (pay) for a job you enjoy doing must be the happiest thing in your life!

Bài tập 4: Chuyển các câu sau sang dạng Passive Voice:

  1. They elected her as the president.
  2. We expected him to finish the project on time.
  3. Someone will hand out the brochures at the entrance.
  4. They have assigned him the task of organizing the event.
  5. People often ask him difficult questions during interviews.
  6. The company awarded her with a promotion.
  7. He offered me a ride to the airport.
  8. They taught us how to use the new software.
  9. The committee chose her as the winner of the competition.
  10. She told me a secret.

Bài tập 5: Chọn đáp án đúng

1. The house _________ by a famous architect.

  • A. was designed
  • B. designed
  • C. is designed
  • D. designs

2. The book __________ into many languages.

  • A. is translated
  • B. translated
  • C. has translated
  • D. translates

3. The concert ________ by thousands of people.

  • A. was attended
  • B. attend
  • C. has attended
  • D. attending

4. The cake ___________ by my sister.

  • A. is baked
  • B. bakes
  • C. has baked
  • D. baking

5. The problem _________ yesterday.

  • A. was solved
  • B. solved
  • C. is solved
  • D. has solved

6. The email ____________ to all employees.

  • A. was sent
  • B. sent
  • C. is sent
  • D. has sent

7. The car ____________ in Japan.

  • A. was manufactured
  • B. manufactured
  • C. is manufactured
  • D. has manufactured

8. The film ___________ last year.

  • A. was released
  • B. released
  • C. is released
  • D. has released

9. The project ___________ by a team of experts.

  • A. was completed
  • B. completed
  • C. is completed
  • D. has completed

10. The letter ___________ by the recipient.

  • A. was received
  • B. received
  • C. is received
  • D. has received

Xem thêm:

  • Cách chào hỏi bằng tiếng Anh cơ bản
  • Trật tự tính từ trong tiếng Anh – Quy tắc OSACOMP
  • Cấu trúc Congratulations

Đáp án bài tập 1

  1. I was given a book by her.
  2. The way was shown to us by them.
  3. She was offered a drink by him.
  4. Some money was lent to them by us.
  5. English was taught to me by her.
  6. A gift was sent to him by them.
  7. The picture was shown to her by me.
  8. I was bought a present by him.
  9. A story was told to us by them.
  10. Dinner was cooked for him by her.

Đáp án bài tập 2

  1. Let the door be kept closed!
  2. We are supposed to take care of the environment.
  3. The house should/must be cleaned regularly.
  4. We are supposed to recycle waste materials.
  5. They are supposed to respect other people’s privacy.
  6. He is supposed to complete the assigned tasks on time.
  7. They are supposed to obey the rules and regulations.
  8. The car should/must be repaired as soon as possible.
  9. The software should/must be updated regularly.
  10. Your health should/must be taken care of.

Đáp án bài tập 3

  1. Gets cleaned
  2. Get the living room redecorated
  3. Is getting it made
  4. Gets lost
  5. Got it fixed
  6. Gets damaged
  7. Got killed
  8. Am going to get the food delivered
  9. Get your eyes tested
  10. Are they going to get it painted
  11. Got promoted
  12. Getting paid

Đáp án bài tập 4

  1. She was elected as the president.
  2. He was expected to finish the project on time.
  3. The brochures will be handed out at the entrance.
  4. He has been assigned the task of organizing the event.
  5. He is often asked difficult questions during interviews.
  6. She was awarded a promotion.
  7. I was offered a ride to the airport.
  8. We were taught how to use the new software.
  9. She was chosen as the winner of the competition by the committee.
  10. A secret was told to me by her.

Đáp án bài tập 5

  1. A. was designed
  2. B. translated
  3. A. was attended
  4. A. is baked
  5. A. was solved
  6. A. was sent
  7. A. was manufactured
  8. D. has released
  9. B. completed
  10. B. received

Trên đây là các kiến thức cơ bản và bài tập passive voice dạng đặc biệt với các lời giải chi tiết mà Unia.vn đã tổng hợp lại. Hy vọng những kiến thức này có thể giúp bạn hiểu rõ và sử dụng thành thạo hơn về dạng passive voice.

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