1 tablet up to 2x per day là gì

The quantity is 100% dependent on what the doctor or prescriber wishes. It depends on the medication, and how long the therapy should last. It depends on what the most effective dosing is and that job belongs to the prescriber.

Suffice it to say, that at your directions of taking 1/2 tablet by mouth twice a day, you will be taking 1 tablet total daily (1/2 tablet plus 1/2 tablet = 1 full tablet).

So if your prescription is written for

30, the medication treatment or prescription will last you for a days supply of 30 days.

What does it mean to "take three tablets twice daily"? Does it mean to take three tablets daily by two separate times? Or does it mean to take six tablets daily and three tabltes for each time?Thank you all! It's good news for me not to have taken too much medicine......It's hard for me to choose a best answer :-)

Câu trả lời · 3

I think that take 3 tablets each time and take 6 tablets per day is the correct meaning.

I think is "take three talbets each time,twice daily."

ni hao xiaowei, It means take 3 tablets 2 times (twice) a day; so you take 6 tablets a day!

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  • Tiếng Anh (Anh)

twice = two times

two tablets a day

one tablet + one tablet

Câu trả lời được đánh giá cao

  • Tiếng Anh (Mỹ)
  • Tiếng Anh (Anh)

It means early in the day you take 1 tablet.

And late in the day you take 1 tablet. (= 2 tablets)

Câu trả lời được đánh giá cao

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